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Hi! I am Isabel de la Torre

It’s been a long way since I got here! I started studying Film and Tv in Málaga University and I think it was back there where I realised I had special feelings about photography. I moved to Madrid to work in photography studios until I decided to develop my own, delivering mostly commercial, still life and portrait photography. Because of my entrepreneurial personality, I received a grant in 2010 that financed living for two years in Singapore and study an MFA in Animation and Digital Arts with New York University (TISCH). I discovered new tools to communicate my work and started my career as a cinematographer, specializing in stop motion. Since then, I have been combining photography, animation and film. I also worked as a camera and lighting operator in international projects as The Inventor, Sauvages or The House.

I am now exploring how to develop a more creative side in photography, focusing more on developing a concept and experimenting.

I have collaborated with:

Twitter, Clean&Clear, Rafa Nadal Museum, Toshiba, Phillips, Zara, Instituto de la Mujer, CSIC, Orange.


Special mention “Monographics Awards 2020”, Concept category.

Collective exhibition “Crónica 21” in Documentary Festival Barcelona 2015 and Perugia Festival (Italy) 2016.

Selection Discoveries PhotoEspaña 2015.

Lux Award Silver Industrial photography (AFP) 2009.Collective Exhibition “Objetivo 18-30” Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid 2009.

Finalist Certamen Arte Joven Latina 2007.

Best Young photographer Jaén 2002.





“Olivia and the Invisible Earthquay” Feature film (in production).

“Le Veo y el Vent” short film 2020.

Brand Refresh Launch Video by Twitter (by Podenco and Pangur Animation) 2020.

“The World is Thirsty” short film 2020.

“Metamorphosis” stop motion short film (nominated to Goya Awards) 2019.

“El Hombre que quería volar y no sabia como” music video, Izal (by Hiruanimation) 2019.

“Bellzebub” stop motion short film 2019.

“The Diary of Bita and Cora” S1 stop motion TV Series (TV On) 2018.

“Clay Kids” Season 2 TV Series 2013.

Lighting Camera

“Sauvages” feature film (2023).

“The Inventor” Foliascope 2022.

“The House” Mackinnon & Saunders Netflix series additional lighting camera (2021).

“Salvation has no Name” short film (2021).

“The Guardian of Justice” Netflix TV Series (additional lighting camera on stop motion sequences). Pangur Animation (2020).

“Doctor Mateo” Tv Series season 1 (videoassist). Notre Films 2009.

Cahaja short film (gaffer) 2012.

Escarnio short film (electrician) 2004.




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 Awards Filmography Awards Bio

 Awards Filmography Awards Bio

 Awards Filmography Awards Bio

 Awards Filmography Awards Bio